Revel in the rehydration provided by these two early spring edibles! Chickweed, Stellaria media, and cleavers, Galium aparine, supply a hefty boost of nutrition while lending the subtle aroma of fresh-cut lawn to this green lemonade recipe.
Many people are not aware that these pesky garden weeds are edible, let alone packed with flavor and nutrition. When chickweed and cleavers pop up in the early spring (and sometimes in late fall as well) it's a great time for a little lawn-foraging. This recipe takes advantage of the ole 'Blend and Strain' to keep cleavers' sticky prickles from assaulting your throat while letting the tasty green juice right in.
This recipe is inspired by The Wild Wisdom of Weeds by Katrina Blair. Be sure to drink the juice within an hour or two for the freshest taste!
Feel free to double the amount of greens for a more intense plant flavor. You can substitute white sugar or maple syrup for the honey. Lime makes an excellent swap for lemon in this recipe and pairs nicely with the vibrant hue of the drink.